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Great Music Essay Topics
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Hunt Begins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Hunt Begins - Essay Example I might want to get some information about the augmentation prospects to the work contract after the finish of the contracted period. The response to it might be found by means of online help of the companyââ¬â¢s official site or through data accessible on approaches of the organization. The Bankers life and loss organization requires possibility for protection deals. They invite both new alumni and experienced deals faculty to the group. The stars side identify with the commission one may procure through difficult work and endeavors. The furthest reaches of profit stays uncapped. The con side, nonetheless, identifies with the concealed essential pay they offer and the requirement for relational aptitudes that are profoundly significant. The companyââ¬â¢s site gives bit by bit direction to go after the position and is basic. The inquiry regarding the activity would identify with the fundamental pay they offer and any vocation improvement openings that are given to the high-performing representatives. The appropriate responses can be explored or asked from the HR office. Hitachi High Technologies America Inc. requires competitors who have abundant data and involvement with managing money related announcing and consistence issues for the post of monetary revealing and consistence right hand chief. The positive of this activity identifies with the advantages they offer like protection, dental, clinical projects, inability designs, etc. The con side be that as it may, is the restriction on the new alumni to fire up with this activity. It further requires SAP System Knowledge and Vertex Tax Software greatness which puts a further breaking point on contender to apply for it. The activity advertisement unmistakably makes reference to to be utilized to go after the job henceforth different mediums and means are out of inquiry. The inquiry I would pose about it identifies with the waiver on experience prerequisite and occupation pivot openings if conceivable. Answers to the inquiries can be acquired by HR division, recruiting staff, bolster admin istrations and authority
Saturday, August 22, 2020
From the Bowery to Broadway Lew Fields and the Roots of American Popular Culture Essay Example For Students
From the Bowery to Broadway: Lew Fields and the Roots of American Popular Culture Essay Eight years really taking shape, From the Bowery to Broadway: Lew Fields and the Roots of American Popular Theater will be theater history with an epic scope. At the focal point of this energetic, lavishly definite event of American the entertainment biz from the 1880s to the Great Depression is a prototype American legend, a Jewish migrant named Moses Schoenfeld who molded himself into Lew Fields, one of the experts of the early Broadway stage. Among the books,many excellencies is that it salvages from the edge of obscurity a once-commended figure now to a great extent obscure to the general theater-opening up to the world, and recollected by masters for just one period of his mutable profession: his cooperation with Joe Weber as the Dutch comic couple Weber and Fields. Our stimulus in starting the undertaking was to get some answers concerning family roots, said Marc Fields, who co-composed the book with his dad Armond, in an ongoing meeting. My dad, who was conceived in 1930, is the grandson of Lews senior sibling Max. We figured no one else would expound on Lew. Most the stage accounts are normally a progression of outrages and stories, however we werent inspired by that. Something worth being thankful for, as well, in light of the fact that, as the co-creator himself verifies, Lew Fields was basically a serious Victorian in his standpoint: He didn't utilize the throwing sofa. He was just as gifted as Florenz Ziegfeld yet he isn't also known in light of the fact that, in contrast to Ziegfeld, he was not a womanizer. Fields was not one to build an overwhelming persona overflowing with sex and conscience. Offstage he was a given spouse and father with generally unobtrusive blemishes: He bet; he bungled cash; he exhausted himself; and, in the same way as other foreigners, he was happy to eradicate his ethnic legacy so as to make American progress. Be that as it may, if Fieldss life was for all intents and purposes desolate so far as the tattle factor, and in the event that he is a connecting as opposed to a mythic hero, he is likewise, as his biographers adequately report, an exceptionally fruitful figure in different ways. Fieldss profession secured all the significant types of well known amusement of his day, from the minstrel show, vaudeville and assortment through revues, party, the book melodic and early quiet films. Mind and shrewd acting skill In shimmering point of interest, the creators re-make the Bowery blend out of which the extraordinary comic group of Weber and Fields was conceived. out of the worker culture in which they were both raised and the crude but effective assortment amusement of the time (before the structure became improved and started to call itself by the Frenchified name vaudeville), Weber and Fields contrived Mike and Meyer, a Dutch pair who ambushed each other verbally and truly. Their thump about, cross-fire schedules, peppered with malapropisms and miscommunication, mirrored the battles, the slips up and the moxie of the outsider crowds who came to giggle at themselves. Not substance to put Weber and Fields behind the glass of history, the creators present a persuading defense for them as harbingers of the rebellion dissipated by the Marx Brothers and the inconsiderate, sensible contemporary parody of In Living Color and Saturday Night Live. When the new century rolled over, Weber and Fieldss vaudevilles, performed at their own Music Hall, were a dearest Broadway custom mainstream amusements sparkling with mind and insightful dramatic skill. Joe Weber was fulfilled to stay set up, reusing a similar essential recipes, yet Fields became constrained to proceed onward thus the accomplices split, however they were to be brought together for various bring commitment back. In his ceaseless endeavors to both recharge himself as an entertainer and reexamine and reshape the dramatic arrangements he had acquired, Fields turned into a melodic performance center pioneer whose modernizing contacts helped lead the exit from the good fortune of nineteenth century assortment into the liquid, consistent intelligence of the book melodic. A long way from terminating his vocation as a relic, Fields during the 20s (with the assistance of his two kids, librettist Herbert and lyricist Dorothy, whom he had endeavored to restrict from professions in the theater) delivered a progression of audacious, exceptional musicals like Peggy Ann, Chee-Chee, Hit the Deck and A Connecticut Yankee. .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .postImageUrl , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:hover , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:visited , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:active { border:0!important; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:active , .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u7fa8687a513fe717 036d7b12a16b6729 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u7fa8687a513fe717036d7b12a16b6729:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Music as culture EssayHaving started his vocation when Puritanical enemy of showy bias despite everything recolored the calling, Fields attempted to accomplish decency. The endeavor enhanced his existence with tempting and frequently uncertain logical inconsistencies: He was a vaudeville comic who longed for the esteem he felt just a vocation as an emotional on-screen character could pass on; he was an entertainer who needed the innovative forces of a maker and a chief; he was an imaginative maverick whose desire were subverted by the requests of the business commercial center he attempted both to raise and to assuage. Be that as i t may, as the creators acknowledge, regardless of whether their subject never fully appears to-the capacity to make fulfilling famous diversion is no mean blessing. Longer errands linesâ The stage is as much about the business as the show, Marc Fields says. We needed to exhibit that the business was as much a piece of a showmans life as the shows were. Here once more, Fields demonstrates a commendable figure. He was an early enemy of the monopolistic Syndicate, whose vicious practices changed always the manner in which the business is directed. Also, in his long and wild relationship with the Shuberts (who tested and at last vanquished the Syndicate), Fields was presented direct to the school-of-sharks strategy for how shows were financed, booked, steered and promoted. In 1906, after his break with Weber, Fields turned into an accomplice of the cash astute Shuberts. In contrast to them, in any case, Fields was a fussbudget who paid significant compensations to his representatives, employed chorale lines that were bigger than those of any of his rivals, and spent a lot of his twenties. This compassion is confounded by his sensual fascination in his own oppressors, cle arly hetero figures like the more established domineering jerks he wedded at Mettray, and American and French police officers and fighters. Fascinatingly repulsiveâ This exacting display of Genets sexuality, both in his composition and his own contacts, turns into a route for White to make Genets private articulation political. In an ongoing talk, White declared that Genet wrote to lure the hetero peruser. He proceeded to recommend that this intention was firmly political in its endeavor to face the surface integrity of Genets crowd with the wonderful human science of an outsider black market. Seen from what may be viewed as a regularizing point of view, this center infers the development of an other which is fascinatingly ghastly, an other that connotes an obscure area, unknown human experience, however that draws in by seeming vicious and crucial which loans Whites investigation of Genets mind a significance past the restricted furthest reaches of the craftsmen specific brain science, and infers that this life story of Genet is additionally a sociohistoric bookkeeping of the way of life which made him what he was. Yet, White appears to put himself outside the tempting intensity of Genet as other. His composing is clear and exquisite, reliably moving endlessly from the rich overstatement of Genets own exposition. He endeavors to smooth where Genet decorations, utilizing his point by point research to get under the outside of Genets writings and into the operations of his psyche. Yet, as White knows, the writings (and the man) hold numerous layers of onion skin, layers that converge into one another to make an impressively designed texture that is at its center a great fantasy. For at the core of this book is a nonattendance, a gap around which all Whites words spin. An opening where
Friday, August 21, 2020
Doubt Of Shakespeare free essay sample
# 8217 ; s Authorship Of His Plaies Essay, Research Paper Uncertainty of Shakespeare # 8217 ; s Authorship of His Plaies Over the mature ages, arranged people have communicated vulnerability regarding the composing of William Shakespeare. These vulnerabilities are each piece old as his dramatizations. American essayist, Henry James one time stated, # 8220 ; I am spooky by the solid conviction that the Godhead William is the greatest and the best misrepresentation ever polished on a understanding universe. ( Hoffman 27 ) On the different manus, author Calvin Hoffman was persuaded that Shakespeare was # 8220 ; the essayist of the most splendid English emotional exposition and poesy ever composed. ( Hoffman 27 ) But, he repeated this conviction nineteen mature ages in this manner, saying, # 8220 ; They are splendid! Just, William Shakspere of Stratford-on-Avon neer composed the dramatizations and sonnets. # 8221 ; ( Hoffman 27 ) Wrongdoing, blame, misrepresentation, ostracize, scorn, deceitfulness, and killing are totally woven into this cover of composing that shrouds the independence of the universe # 8217 ; s generally prestigious creator. Grouchs have proposed more than 50 campaigners for composing, from Queen Elizabeth to the Jesiuts. Albeit numerous vulnerability that William Shakespeare ever composed the plants ascribed to him, some despite everything resort to master Shakespearean proclamations. John Drinkwater, author and truster, felt that the blossoms, Bankss, Brookss, brushing lands, what's more, woodlands of Shakespeare # 8217 ; s childhood place, Stratford, were completely transfigured in his dramatizations by his awesome verse, however yet they despite everything remained the scenes to which he was reared. Drinkwater accepted too much, that non only in Shakespeare # 8217 ; s low everyday citizens, shepherds, nurserymans, and working work powers, however adjacent to in his rulers and male rulers, he mirrored the mankind with which he was recognizable in Stratford. The discernment and insight he procured directly from his ain enviroment was fairly obvious to life. Drinkwater other than said that minor book-insight in Shakespeare # 8217 ; s works was regularly off-base since he utilized insight outside the extent of his ain encounters, with a # 8220 ; far reaching daringness. # 8221 ; The facts confirm that William Shakespeare went to punctuation school in Stratford, also, tha he procured some competency in Latin and increased a restricted cognizance of English history. There was a time of clasp in his life alluded to as his # 8220 ; dull mature ages, # 8221 ; and this time of clasp may hold been exposed to impacts accomplishing for high development. Records state too much, that Shakespeare left Stratford in 1585 and went on the stage in 1590. During this clasp he could hold went to Cambridge or worked in a lawyer # 8217 ; s office, apparently remaining around one twelvemonth with the council. This left one twelvemonth in which he may hold made a trip to France and Italy, which would history for certain perception uncovered in his plants. Perhaps Shakespeare # 8217 ; s dramatizations are too much insightful to hold been composed by a grown-up male without an evaluation, yet that, some accept can be clarified by the way that the dramatizations looked figured out how to individuals of ulterior coevalss who did non use old style suggestion as a segment of their basic location. Others accept that the profundity of larning in the shows appears to be unthinkable for a grown-up male of Shakespeare # 8217 ; s place, however when the staggering intensity of the shows is thought of, the obtaining in them appears to be fiddling. Little is known about Shakespeare today. Be that as it may, this lack of data about Shakespeare # 8217 ; s life can be credited to the way that his age was non one of life, insouciant note origin, or news media. Information exchanged about Shakespeare was unwritten. Stratfordians, or the individuals who accept that Shakespeare did so create the plants credited to him, started with a biased idea that he composed the dramatizations, thus they attempted to do realities and fortunes fit their example, a few state. To represent innumeralbe situations where Shakespeare displayed such wide insight, Stratfordians state that Shakespeare siphoned anybody he could for data. Be that as it may, others feel that siphoning companions for neighborhood shading could help with wide discernment, however genuinely could non empower him to pass on the environment of a state or to include close to nothing, rather unimportant inside informations which could only originate from the pen of a creator who had truly experienced them. Many feel that since Shakespeare # 8217 ; s distinguished reputation was non generally declared what's more, since none of his unique original copies endure, is grounds that the last was wrecked to conceal the author # 8217 ; s independence. What's more, too much, once a dramatization was printed, the composition had no worth, so the paper, which was sincerely won and required for down to earth purposes was utilized, go forthing no individual composition in Shakespeare # 8217 ; s content. Against Shakespeare articulations start with the point that no people or private reference of Shakespeare as a grown-up male, artist, or dramatist was made at his expire. In Elizabethean show too much, the elegiac refrain structure was a genuine work of respect, yet there was none found for William Shakespeare. How might he be able to so be the primary figure in English writing? From all indicants found, during 1585 to 1593, Shakespeare # 8217 ; s most originative mature ages, he was neer alluded to by anybody, by and by or expertly. From birth to perish, no grounds, outside of his name glancing in the rubric pages of the nine First Quartos, has been found to confirm that Shakespeare was a creator or writer. Numerous inside informations in his dramatizations could hold been obtained just by close to home encounters, yet no Shakspere was referenced in the actors of any show during his life-time. It is unadulterated surmise that some state that he was a histrion. Another announcement is that solitary Lords or those related with gentry could hold composed such baronial thoughts and depicted the blue character. How could somone of Shakespeare # 8217 ; s position compose Hamlet? In this way, some state that the universe wherein Shakespeare clearly was non at place, must hold been the universe to which he had a place. In add-on, colleague with phonetic correspondences, writing, statute, political relations, history, geographics, and council life found in Shakespeare # 8217 ; s Hagiographas, are all incomprehensible for a typical man. Shakespeare neer went to a University and was non incredibly refined. However, whoever composed the shows must hold been amazingly refined. Some figure he may non hold had the option to try and create. Also, it was questionable if his wedded lady and children could make. His ain scarcely neat mark, joined simply to his will and some worry exchanges, with 16 variances of content, was odd for an artistic driving force. Self-training was unimaginable since he likely possessed no books. In his will, no reference of any books was made, and books were significant bounty to be referenced. Prior to perish, Shakespeare made his ain memorial: Old buddy for Jesus intrigue forbeare To digg the residue encloased heare ; Fortunate be the grown-up male that saves these stones What's more, curste be he who moves my castanetss. ( Sykes 60 ) For what reason would an artist and writer who composed so splendidly have no higher assessments for his ain inscription? Presently, only who could hold composed the plants credited to William Shakespeare? That Christopher Marlowe was genuinely Shakespeare has been given a lot acknowledgment among numerous scholarly individuals. Marlowe was instructed and granted grants. This demonstrates he had the option to deliver extraordinary plants. Another hypothesis originated from Calvin Hoffman, who some time in the past said that on May 29,1593, Marlowe, prior captured for atheism, was accused of lese glory. His gay companion, Thomas Walsingham, predicted moment of retribution for his sweetheart and made a program. Marlowe was to be the casualty of a fake killing, leting charges against gt ; him to vanish with his perish. The killing of a crew member, purportedly Marlowe, was orchestrated and submitted, forcing Marlowe to get together and go forward the state. A clinical inspector was reached and Marlowe was formally articulated dead. Conceivably Marlowe went to Italy after get awaying to France. That may history for perception of Italy in specific shows. At that point unreasonably, he is thought to have therefore come back to England, in cover, to work in security at Walsingham # 8217 ; s bequest. There, he could hold strolled the thousand homes of backwoods where such a significant number of inferences to nature could hold come to him. Thusly, was it a luck that Marlowe in his thirteenth twelvemonth, May, 1593, kicked the bucket, and Shakespeare, other than in his thirteeth twelvemonth, left away as a creator, four months therefore, in September, 1593? Marlowe left a refrain structure, it is stated, called # 8220 ; Venus and Adonis, # 8221 ; enrolled namelessly. Four months after the terminal of Marlowe, this stanza structure showed up with the name William Shakespeare. To do Shakespeare imperceptible, the stanza structure was a coherent campaigner for the primary distribution, since Marlowe # 8217 ; s notoriety was that of a dramatist, non an artist. Walsingham likely got compositions from Marlowe, however Marlow # 8217 ; s content was known to his distributing houses who possessed his old stuff, so a definite Marlowe # 8217 ; s encounters even show up in the dramatizations. There is an affaire dhonneur in Romeo and Juliet and in The Jew of Malta, he even depicted his predetermination, where the character Machevel is Marlowe expressing: Albert the universe think Macheval is dead, However was his mind yet flown past the Alps Also, presently the Guize is dead, us co
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
terrorism Essay - 1869 Words
The 21st century began on September 11, 2001. In June of 1914, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo precipitated the first war that would define the 20th century. The attacks of September 11 will be the precipitating moment of a new kind of war. The kind of war everyone will be on high alert. Everyone is the United States of America will come together and help each from this tragedy. The United States of America now sees a national security threat raised to an unbelievable level. However, the USA also sees an opportunity to solidify international support and national unity during this time. International cooperation and national unity will be critical to a sustained war against terrorism, and their prospects for successâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The terrorist bombings of the New York World Trade Center and the Oklahoma City Federal Building prove how easy it is for terrorists to operate in a free and democratic society. As commanders and staffs address terrorism, t hey must consider several relevant characteristics that anyone can be a victim. Some terrorists may still operate under cultural restraints, such as the desire to avoid harming women. ( Research Center/ Basics) Terrorists are inspired by many different motives. Students of terrorism classify them into three categories: rational, psychological, and cultural. The Rational terrorist thinks through his goals and options, making a cost benefit analysis. They seek to determine whether there are less costly and more effective ways to achieve their objectives in terrorism. To assess the risk, they weigh the targetââ¬â¢s defensive capabilities against their own capabilities. The essential question is whether terrorist will work for the desired purpose, given societal condition at the time. ( Psychological Motivation for terrorism derives from the terroristââ¬â¢s personal dissatisfaction with their life and accomplishments. Although no clear Psychopath is Found among terrorists, there is a nearly universal element in them that can be described as the ââ¬Å"true believer.â⬠Terrorists tend to project their own antisocial motivations onto others, creating aShow MoreRelatedTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1326 Words à |à 6 Pagesallowing terrorism to be successful and continue. Terrorists gain power through the common, innocent people they attack. How the world responds to terrorist attacks determines whether or not terrorism will cease. The common peopleââ¬â¢s response to terrorism, the interest of the state, and the mediaââ¬â¢s role in terrorism all aide to terrorismââ¬â¢s success and its continuation in the future. How people willingly choose to respond to terrorist attacks defines terrorism and determines if terrorism will continueRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1035 Words à |à 5 PagesOver the past Century, terrorism has advanced from random killings to enormous plans for terrorist groups. To understand terrorism you must first define it. Terrorism as we all know it is hard to define and understand, and has many different definitions as it is used widely. The word terrorism stems from the word terror, which means to instill fear in. People become terrorists when they take the actions towards instilling fear and terror upon people to prove a certain point or agenda. Some terroristsRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1626 Words à |à 7 PagesTerrorism can be categorized as ââ¬Å"the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as means to create terror, or fear, to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim (Fortna).â⬠Although there is no formal definiti on of terrorism, we typically associate the words terrorism and terrorists with acts of violence that are used unlawfully to intimidate in pursuance of political gain. Terrorists do not act at random, but rather use violence to maximize on fear and publicity with a specific goal inRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1126 Words à |à 5 PagesTerrorism Have you ever had a fear for your family, your town, your country, or your world. How about the fear to have everything taken from you, destroyed, and not caring if it has hurt you or not? What about your fear and pain is, and can be someone elseââ¬â¢s happiness? The fear of you being terrorized? That is terrorism. Someone else bringing fear and terrorizing you. That is a terroristââ¬â¢s goal. Terrorism is common and is very difficult to stop. The government promises protection for the peopleRead MoreTerrorism And Terrorism : Terrorism1231 Words à |à 5 Pages Terrorism is a common term used in the media and news everyday, especially in the United States. We are in a constant battle against ââ¬Ëterrorismââ¬â¢, ââ¬Å"Counterterrorism has to be woven into the everyday workings of every department. It should be included on the agenda of every meetingâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Kelling Bratton, 2006). Terrorism and How to Respond All terrorism is criminal but not all criminals are terrorists. Terrorism unlike most crimes has a political agenda behind it. Many terrorists are involved withRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism851 Words à |à 4 PagesTerrorist attacks are major threats that could occur in any nation. Terrorism is one of those things that can happen at any time. It will strike in small, medium and large cities. Although we will never be able to remove all risk from terrorism, we can definitely reduce the risk through hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness (GBRA, 2011). To better understand terrorism we need to know what it is. Terrorism can be defined as the use of force or violence against persons or property in violationRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1377 Words à |à 6 PagesTerrorism in Sudan In the past, Sudan had been designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism regarding support for international terrorist groups. However, Sudan has changed its approach ever since the 9/11 attacks has been aiding the United States in diminishing the pervasiveness of terrorist groups in Sudan, and in the world. Recently, Sudan has remained cooperative with the United States in its war on counter terrorism. Sudan has taken many preventive measures to keep these terrorist groups outRead MoreThe Effects Of Terrorism On Terrorism And Terrorism944 Words à |à 4 PagesEffects of Terrorism ââ¬Å"The history of terrorism is a history of well-known and historically significant individuals, entities, and incidents associated, whether rightly or wrongly, with terrorism,â⬠(History of Terrorism). The history of terrorism is a long bloody road. One of the bloodiest of acts of terrorism in the early years, was the reign of terror. In which, the Jacobin leader, Maximilien Robespierre, executed 40,000 people. Newspapers coined the word ââ¬Å"Terrorismâ⬠as a way of describing RobespierreRead MoreTerrorism Between Terrorism And Terrorism1207 Words à |à 5 PagesQuestion â⬠What trends are evident in terrorism over the past 5 years? How have these trends impacted on the ways in which counter terrorism has responded in the Australian context? Introduction Terrorism poses a serious security challenge to the Australia and globally as it prevalence has increased over a decade although less attacks occur in the Western nations. The purpose of this assignment is to examine what trends and terrorist tactics are evident internationally over the past 5 years andRead MoreTerrorism Between Terrorism And Terrorism2012 Words à |à 9 PagesTerrorism has played a brutal and alarming role in societies across the world. Many nations have been confronted with the need to develop solutions in the wake of tragedies caused by terrorism. Unfortunately, terrorist organizations are still operating and terrorist acts have continued. Many questions that have still gone unanswered despite careful study, but governments are finding some relief when collaborating with anti-terrorism organizations (Fischer, 2002). Terrorists have struck almost everywhere
Friday, May 15, 2020
Global Climate Change The Global Warming - 1633 Words
The Global Climate Change Currently, when human life is growing, human activities play an impact on the environment and climate, which leads to global climate change. Climate change is a problem of the whole world, and therefore remains a huge challenge for life on Earth. So what is climate change? Evolution of how it change? Climate change is caused by natural causes or by humans which possibly fluctuates the cycle of change in weather and climate. The specific expression that we often hear about is known as the phenomenon of global warming, the greenhouse effect, and the ice melting in the Northern/Southern hemispheres. The environment includes all factors of abiotic and biotic impacts, affecting directly or indirectly in every day human life. Therefore, each of us needs to realize and understand that protecting the environment is to protect our lives the prolonged existence of humankind. Nowadays, people with the invention of modern science and technology, are more devoted to humanity, but the effect it has, has little impact on the environment such as air pollution, water pollution, light pollution and noise pollutionâ⬠¦ man himself is quietly changing the climate without knowing all the impact mankind makes in everyday life. About 100 years of human impact on sensitive balance between the natural greenhouse effect and solar radiation has been researched and documented. Which lead to the change in the concentration of greenhouse gases over the past 100 years. ClimateShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming : A Global Climate Change1457 Words à |à 6 Pageshappened by global warming like, increasing the temperature degrees, and melting the snow mountains around the word. However, global warming has played a major role in changing the weather all over the world. The climate change all over the world is a proof that the weather conditions are changing. Global warming has made some of the hottest land cold now and the countries that never had a summer in millenniums are now having sunlight regularly. These are the basic changes that signify that global warmingRead MoreGlobal Warming : Global Climate Change1209 Words à |à 5 PagesBrooke Bogan Carol Dale, M.Ed. 1301 Dual Credit English IV November 4, 2015 WA #6- Global Climate Change Global climate change is a topic that had been hotly debated across the country for years. Though not many people believe it, scientists have proved the global warming is in fact partly caused by man. The greenhouse effect is gradually increasing the temperature of the earth because humans are constantly burning natural gases and oils, greenhouse gases being trapped in the atmosphere, deforestationRead MoreGlobal Warming And Global Climate Change1354 Words à |à 6 PagesIt is becoming a less and less contested issue that global climate change is a significant issue. When the idea of global warming first burst onto the main stage in the late 20th century, a majority of Americans were skeptical. Many of the predictions that the original scientists made proved to be incorrect, and often the scientific methods the scientists used were faulty. Since the early stages though, the science behind global climate change has gotten better. We now have more data and better modelsRead MoreGlobal Climate Change : The Global Warming1472 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Global Climate Change Currently when human life is growing, human activities impact on the environment and climate to lead to global climate change. Climate change is a problem of the whole world, and that is the big challenge for human kind. So what is climate change? Evolution of how it? Climate change is the change of weather, climate, may be due to human or natural causes. The specific expression that we often hear about is the phenomenon does not stop warming the earth, the greenhouse effectRead MoreGlobal Warming And Global Climate Change1139 Words à |à 5 Pages The topic of global climate change has been a much debated topic over the years. There is no real scientific consensus on global warming. However, much destruction has happened to the earth that questions the scientific or empirical link between extreme weather and global climate change. There are a lot of events that happens around the globe such as floods, increased precipitation, sea-level rise, and hurricanes that questions the theory of global climate change. Without any clear cut evidenceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Global Climate Change1531 Words à |à 7 PagesIn the last twenty years, the issues surrounding global climate change have become increasingly dominant in the international community, as the implications associated with the global issue pose many threats to the environment and humanity as a whole. Beginning in the 1970ââ¬â¢s, scientific research regarding pollution led scientists to discover that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCââ¬â¢s) where destroying the ozone layer , posing threats to plant and animal life, and humans as a rise in skin cancer followed. LuckilyRead MoreGlobal Climate Change And Global Warming1054 Words à |à 5 Pagesreally isn t much of a secret that global climate change is happening. From the melting of the polar ice caps, to record severe temperatures, rise in natural disasters, rise in pollution, greater number of vector-borne and water borne illnesses, and much more. 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The Earthââ¬â¢s climate has been rapidly warming for the past several decades due to the burning of fossil fuels, with the subsequent release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHG). Global climate change has already caused glaciers and sea ice to melt, plant and animal ranges to shift, sea level rise to accelerate, oceans to acidify, and droughts and heat waves to intensify. Indeed, climate change can be considered to be the main threatRead MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change974 Words à |à 4 Pagesabout global warming, whether it is true or false. Is there evidence to prove that global warming has impacted the climate due to the rise in the earthââ¬â¢s temperature? Climate change is a problem that is worldwide that should be reviewed. The rise in the earthââ¬â¢s temperature has caused some impact to the weather and climate changes to many places worldwide. This rise in temperature has the potential of causing drastic changes to the earth in many ways. It is time to view the global warming concerns
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Link Between Africa And The Rest Of The World - 885 Words
African civilization, like most other societies have their own set of creation stories which can be seen in the Christian Bible or folk stories that are told in other parts of the world. One example is the Asante Tower to Heaven which can be seen as a parallel to the Tower of Babel story told in the book of Genesis in the Bible. Both involved people on Earth trying to reach God in heaven by building towers and ultimately failing. Just this example can show a link between Africa and the rest of the world. These creation myths, from the San, Dogon, and Yoruba people, come from the prominent local religions from early times in different parts of Africa. These stories and religious rituals lasted until Christian missionaries came and converted a large portion of the population to Christianity, which diminished those that adhered to the original religions. Another topic heavily discussed by those interviewed was the economic status of those in Africa today. Jamie spoke about her concern for African poverty, ââ¬Å"I would have to say that I care most about the high amount of poverty in Africa, I mean our poor over here is their richâ⬠. Another interviewee, Allison expressed a similar sentiment, ââ¬Å"I care most about the underdevelopment of Africa, thereââ¬â¢s a lot of people over there that is less fortunate than we are over here and they have less opportunities over thereâ⬠. This phenomenon of Africa being perceived as underdeveloped was discussed by Walter Rodney in How Africa DevelopedShow MoreRelatedEconomic, Environmental And Social Aspects Of Wellbeing1358 Words à |à 6 Pagesinequalities in Africa. This will be done by analysing the 3 main topics economic, environmental and social aspects of wellbeing in Africa. Located on the southern end of the African continent, north of Zimbabwe and Mozambique and surrounde d by Atlantic ocean and Indian ocean is a continent that Covers 1 221 040 square kilometres. South Africa only takes over 4%of the lands area but is 3 times the size of Texas and 5 times bigger than Great Britain. The estimated population of South Africa in 2013 wasRead MoreIs Studying Ancient Egypt in Its African Context Afrocentric?856 Words à |à 4 Pagesculture and the contributions of Africans, especially in the Western world. Egypt, being a part of Africa, is well within the grounds of being a part of Afrocentricity. Ancient Egypt was a very profound society with cutting edge technological advances in its time. Its cultural influences have left a mark on todayââ¬â¢s society. Because of this, Europeans have ââ¬Å"adoptedâ⬠the Ancient Egyptians and tried to make them seem dissonant from the rest of the African continent. They have done this through history rewritingRead MoreAnalysis Of Larry Grubbs s Workshop Of A Continent : American Representations Of Whiteness A nd Modernity1081 Words à |à 5 Pages1960s South Africaâ⬠is aptly named given the material he discusses. Grubbs argues that when American observers discussed South Africa s modernity, the signs and symptoms of a modern country they looked for were actually symptoms of whiteness. He argued that whiteness and modernity were conflated by western observers, who he believed defined modernity as being similar to the United States.1 These observers were unable to explicitly state that whiteness was why they supported South Africa due to theRead MoreIs the Stability of the Horn of Africa Contingent on a Peace Agreement Between Ethiopia and Eritrea?1410 Words à |à 6 PagesThe relationship between Ethiopia and Eritrea has become an issue of interest in recent years to the United States as well as the rest of the world. The history between the two countries has been detrimental to the development of each country which in turn trickles over their borders into the rest of the region. 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It kills more people in a year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. Many countries struggle with famine and they donââ¬â¢t have much help either. Countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, Mozambique and Sudan are some of the countries that suffer from hunger more than others do. In Africa there are 60% of people whoRead MoreWhat Motive Or Reason For The Invasion Of Africa?1099 Words à |à 5 PagesWhat motive or reason would the Axis powers use to invade North Africa? There were many reason for the Axisââ¬â¢ reason for the invasion of Africa. A prime goal for the Axis powers was to gain oil control in the Middle East. As well as getting some of Britainââ¬â¢s power and control of the Mediterranean Sea away from them. During the invasion, Germany lost many of its valuable resources.The Allies response was to stop the Axis from further movement. Then, the difference in the fighting was w hen PresidentRead MoreImpact Of The Transatlantic Slave Trade885 Words à |à 4 Pagesknown as the triangular trade was the network of three continents where men, women and children of African background were enslaved and deported from their homes. The trade itself had three steps. Ships with goods left Western Europe to leave to Africa where they exchanged them for slaves. Goods would include of weapons, gunpowder, textile pearls and other manufactured goods. Exchange of these goods for slaves could take a week to several months. Then Africans were transferred to America where theyRead MoreLong-Distance Trade And Economic Development.. Many Countries1746 Words à |à 7 PagesWestern Europe where governments relied heavily on taxation of commerce. This environment fostered the development of an intricate system of market networks which extended deep into the countryside and was comprised of periodic village markets with links to regional markets. Eventually, things began to change in China and it wasnââ¬â¢t long before China became the first country to develop paper money, sophisticated brokerage practices and banking institutions. There were a number of factors that droveRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1462 Words à |à 6 Pagesindigenous cultures of the Igbo people (Achebe, 154). Again, Achebe effectively draws the parallels between the two eras by offering the picture of the Igbo society just before and during the colonial invasion. More importantly, the aspects of Igbo society that suffered most due to colonialism were religion, gender relations and roles of family structures and trade. However, the colonial rule did not bring to Africa only the negative effects. The colonial rule, for example, introduced formal education to the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Collaborative Classroom Practice Inclusion -
Question: Discuss about the Collaborative Classroom Practice Inclusion. Answer: Introduction The identified research study has been developed to assess a topic of classroom management issues. Precisely, through the identification of the substantial issues related to classroom management, an instructor can evaluate the right strategies on the basis of the theoretical context of the issues. In this particular study paper, the classroom management issue of attention seeking has been illustrated. Meanwhile, the assessment of the identified classroom management issue has been linked to the behavioural attitude of the students and teachers to discuss the problem in a critical way (Oral, 2012). In the meantime, the purpose of the essay paper is to identify the principal problem that has been related to attention seeking. In the modern day classroom scenario, attention seeking has been defined as one of the major challenges to be dealt by the instructors. Notably, due to such habit, a student or a child can do certain things to get the attention of the teacher. Sometimes teachers have found the actions quite annoying and unmindfully ignore the psychology-based issue. Decisively, attention seeking students will constantly blurt out to their instructors by doing various actions. Admittedly, the desire for attention among such students can be identified as insatiable. Although the instructors provide attention to the students, their desire for attention continues to grow (Olubummo, 2015). By identifying the classroom issue of attention seeking, the study has illustrated theoretical context to the issue. On the other hand, the solution of such classroom issues has been analysed in the context of Western Australia. The research study has investigated the leading reason behind such issues affecting the classroom management. Reflecting on the previous studies, the theoretical understanding of the students perception, their attitude, behaviou rs, and psychology has been described. Based on the outcome of the research, specific solution to the issues of attention seeking has been defined as well to make the paper more efficient. Statement of the Problem The leading issue that has been discussed in the research paper is excessive attention seeking among the classroom students and children. In the context of modern classroom issues in the Western Australia, excess attention seeking can be identified as one of the most common behavioural problems among some of the children (Mulholland, O'Connor, 2016). Understandably, getting attention and giving attention can be defined as one of the most fundamental aspects of social species. Necessarily, in spite of delivering sufficient attention to the students, instructors have noticed that some of the children are not satisfied. As a result of the consequences, they seek additional attention from the teachers by doing annoying things in the classroom (Bluestein, 2011). Apparently, the study will investigate the theoretical concepts behind such mindset and psychological factors leading to such issues. On the other hand, instructors should be aware of such psychological issues among the students so that the problems among the students cannot be ignored. In context to the Western Australia, such issues have become substantial challenges in classroom management. In order to management such classroom issues effectively, identifying the cause of the problem will be evident, to say the least (Findley, Varble, 2011). Moreover, substantial training and knowledge development programmes for instructors should be arranged to deal with the issue in a more organised way. Theoretical Context of the issue Attention Seeking The issue of attention seeking can be addressed considering the theoretical context such as Rudolf Dreikurs democratic discipline model. Notably, Rudolf Dreikurs was one of the renowned social psychologists who had massively contributed to the understanding of the reprehensible behaviours among children. The educational philosophy of Rudolf Dreikurs has primarily relied on democratic philosophy. The fundamental principle of the democratic discipline model of Rudolf Dreikurs is human equity. According to the particular theoretical model, the author suggested that a significant behaviour is an outcome of individuals rationale (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). Moreover, the theoretical concept suggests that individuals act according to their subjective assessment rather than driven by the reality. Based on the subjective assessment, individuals make assumptions and convince themselves that their perspective is right. In the case of attention seeking issue, all human beings have wante d to seek the attention of others and have internal feelings to be accepted. Such longing for acceptance can lead to misbehaviours at times. Based on the theoretical concept of Rudolf Dreikurs democratic discipline model, there are four types of objectives that have motivated the children in a classroom environment to misbehave. According to the order, the identified goals are attention seeking, power and control, revenge, and helplessness. In terms of dealing with the issue, the model has been evident for the teachers to identify the type of goals leading towards misbehaving in a classroom environment (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). The theoretical model of Rudolf Dreikurs promotes logical consequences and encouragement procedures instead of punishing the students for misbehaving such as seeking the attention of the instructors. Precisely, motives for attention seeking behaviour must be evaluated by the teachers to control the consequences of the problem (Mellor, 2008). Through the identification of the attention-seeking motives of the children, classroom instructors can adopt different teaching styles such as autoc ratic, permissive, and democratic. The instructors may use effective style to control the classroom management issue of attention seeking. Primarily, the democratic discipline model has been based on the theoretical aspect of Alfred Adler who believed people being a social creature had the desire to belong or accept (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). Also, the term democratic signifies that students and children can be identified as an integral part of the decision-making process (Emmer, Hickman, 2011). The fundamentals of the democratic discipline model have defined the major differences between logical consequences and punishment in order to deal with the classroom management problem such as attention seeking in this particular case. First of preventative measures and techniques are the best way to tackle the issue of attention seeking in the academic sector (Olubummo, 2015). Moreover, logical sequences are appropriate to control the issue whereas punishment has no significant relevance in the misbehaving aspects in classroom issues. In terms of assessment of the theoretical concept of democratic discipline model, Rudolf Dreikurs believed that lack of encouragement towards students and children can provoke a student to misbehave in a classroom (Renart, 2013). Relatively, lack of encouragement leads to lack of concentration among the students and children in academic sections. As a result of the consequences, students have tried to catch the attention of the instructors by doing ki nds of stuff that are irrelevant in a classroom atmosphere (Edwards, 2014). In order to the deal with the classroom issue of attention seeking, the motives encouraging the misbehaviour of the students must be evaluated. There are four types of motivating factors leading to attention seeking behaviours among the children and students (Sullivan, 2011). The active constructive motives of the students seek constant praise from the instructors whereas passive constructive motives influence the students to involve others to serve them. The active destructive motives seek immediate attention from the teachers. Alternatively, passive destructive attention getting motives have forced others to help students and children. The investigation of the previous literature must be included with the theoretical concept of Rudolf Dreikurs to identify how the classroom issue of attention seeking has been dealt by the teachers in the Western Australia. Meanwhile, the Department of Education of Western Australia has involved the democratic discipline model of Rudolf Dreikurs to train the teachers and instructors analysing the behavioural patterns of the students. The challenge of attention-getting is a comprehensive classroom issue in this particular context (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). Influenced by the theoretical model of Rudolf Dreikurs, the DOE of Western Australia has taken initiatives to develop policies that can be effective for the teachers to understand the behaviours that are encouraging attention seeking. Precisely, each of the classroom misbehaviours must be dealt with priority so that teachers have gained the knowledge and skills to reduce the severity of the issue (Crawford, Shutler, 2009) . Meanwhile, instructors are trained to ignore the inappropriate behaviour of the students. If the instructors avoid the misbehaviour of the children leading to attention getting, students have found to be calm down. Such drastic change in nature among the students will reduce the attention-seeking motives as well. Alternatively, good behaviours of the students must be encouraged with rewards and appreciation (Edwards, Watts, 2008). Thus, other students have found no motives leading to attention seeking within the classroom environment. Therefore, substantial emotional literacy programmes have been organised by the DOE to betterment of the practices connecting the classroom management. Understandably, the investigation reports and literature of the authors can be displayed to identify the roles of the instructors to solve the issue of attention-seeking in the Western Australian area. Through the identification of the theoretical concept such as Rudolf Dreikurs democratic discipline model, educators and classroom mentors can tackle the unwanted classroom scenario (Szmad, 2015). Meanwhile, classroom management issues such as attention-seeking have been a leading behavioural challenge for the teachers as well. By ignoring the misbehaviours related to attention-seeking, instructors can negate the influential factors and attention-seeking motives. The adequate intervention and application of the discussed theoretical model can be evident to solve the issue of attention-getting (Thijs, Verkuyten, Grundel, 2014). Also, the responsibility and accountability of the instructors should be encouraged so that such classroom management issues can be diminished. Solution and Implications As per the above discussions, Rudolf Dreikurs has provided different solutions to the attention seeking behaviour of the students. According to his theory, it is important for the teachers to understand the behaviour of the students and recognise the primary factor leading to the issue (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). Firstly, the teachers must prepare themselves to understand the goal of the misbehaving child. For example, if the teacher feels annoyed by the behaviour of the student, the childs goal is to get attention of the teacher or the class. Hence, understanding the goal of the misbehaving child is significant in order to implement the solutions of the attentions seeking behaviour (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). In order to make the teachers aware of the behavioural constraints that negatively impact the environment of the classroom, the DOE of Western Australia must develop policies for training the teachers regarding the classroom management issues (Fraga-Caadas, 2010). The training session will teach the educators regarding the psychological process of the behaviour and the consequences of dealing with the issue in an aggressive manner (Waterman, Walker, 2009). On the other hand, the training programme will provide the educators with knowledge and skills to deal with the attention seeking issues among the students of different level. The solutions to the attention seeking issues in the classroom management are discussed in details herein below: Recognise the misbehaviour: First of all, it is important for the teacher to recognise the goal of the misbehaviour (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). In order to understand the reason for misbehaving in the class, the teacher must observe every individual student and maintain a note of their daily activities (Jones, 2007). Furthermore, the teachers must personally interact with the students to understand the psychological issues faced by them. Legitimise the behaviour: Secondly, the teachers must focus on legitimising the behaviour that is appropriate for the class. For example, the students must be taught to express their needs in an appropriate way. According to Bill Rogers, a mentoring session must be conducted for the students to teach them how to express their feelings and behave appropriately in the class (Rogers, 2014). Minimise attention: On the other hand, the educators must start ignoring the attention seeking behaviour of the students that are not harmful or aggressive for the class. For instance, the misbehaviour of thee student can be ignored by standing close to the student and writing a note (Mallinger, 2008). It will make the student think that his behaviour is useless in seeking the attention of the teacher and influence them to avoid using such behaviour in the future. Appreciate appropriate behaviour: According to Dreikurs, educators must use assertive techniques in order to deal with the attention seeking issues (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). For example, the appropriate behaviour of the students must be appreciated with written notes to make them feel motivated and avoid using unusual behaviour in the classroom environment. On the other hand, the appreciation of the appropriate behaviour in front of the other members will influence them to behave in an appropriate manner. Distract the student: Furthermore, when the students are found to be misbehaving, the teachers should not use any aggressive technique to deal with the issue. For example, in place of punishing the student, the teacher can distract the pupil by asking a question or favour that will change the activity (Malmgren, Trezek, Paul, 2015). Distraction of the student from the misbehaving activity can be effective enough to make the student understand that the teacher does not like the behaviour of the person and will influence them to behave appropriately. Do the unexpected: Alternatively, doing unexpected things in the class such as turning out the lights, talk to the wall and play a musical instrument can distract the student from misbehaving in the classroom environment (Malmgren, Trezek, Paul, 2015). It will make the student think about their behaviour and influence them to understand the issue. Move the student: Finally, the teachers can move the student from one seat to another or send the student to a thinking chair in place of sending them outside the class to deal with the attention seeking behaviour (Waterman, Walker, 2009). It will allow the student to continue the class and stop misbehaving in the classroom environment. The aforementioned solutions will be helpful to meet the classroom management challenges of attention seeking in the schools of Western Australia. It will help the school authorities to develop the skills of the teachers and implement a mind set among the teachers to use assertive techniques in order to deal with the behavioural issues of the student (Waterman, Walker, 2009). However, the positive as well as negative implications of the proposed solutions are discussed in details herein below: Benefits of the proposed solution The primary benefit of the proposed solutions is that it will teach the educators regarding the negative consequences of using aggressive techniques to deal with the attention seeking problems and influence them to use the assertive techniques. Furthermore, the use of assertive techniques will promote positive behaviour among the students in Western Australia and improve the classroom environment. Furthermore, the proposed solutions will help the school authorities to minimise the issues of dismissal of the students and improve their academic achievement (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). The techniques to teach the student regarding the appropriate ways to express their needs will reduce distraction in classes and promote positive behaviour in the classroom environment. The proposed solutions do not incur any sort of financial cost for the teachers. But, the teachers need to put effort in order to deal with the students. The teachers need to maintain note of the behaviour of the students and deal with the negative attention seeking behaviours through above mentioned strategies. In order to pay attention over the individual students with large number members in a single class, the teachers may feel stressed (Dreikurs, Grunwald, Pepper, 2015). Hence, the proposed solutions are time seeking and needs the teachers to put extra effort in order to observe the students and deal with their problems. Conclusion On the basis of the above analysis, the teachers face different problems in order to manage the diverse students in the classroom. The problem of attention seeking in classroom should be managed using assertive and polite techniques. The school authorities and Department of Education of Western Australia must implement policies and strategies to train the teachers for handling the attention seeking issues at classroom. A better way of handling the issue will promote positive behaviour among the students and improve the academic achievements of the pupils. Conclusively, the attention seeking issue must be dealt in a positive way to improve the environment of the classroom. References Bluestein, J. (2011).Classroom management(1st ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press. Crawford, L., Shutler, P. (2009). 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