Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Psychology and Teaching Assistant Essay Example for Free

Psychology and Teaching Assistant Essay 1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role. The teaching assistant role includes working under the guidance of the teacher, supporting teaching and learning in the school nursery through group activities. I am able to devise learning activity plans also and also spontaneous learning activities which occur through play and other immediate learning activities. The learning assistant role also includes administration, wall displays, food preparation, leading activities with smaller and larger groups, and also individual work. Listening and talking with the children and offering support in social and emotional development as well as curriculum activity development. It is necessary to promote positive behaviours and deal with any negative behaviour in a professional manner. It is also necessary to promote equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion. It is necessary to build professional relationships with the children and also with other work colleagues. Assessment on a formative or summative basis is also part of the role. The teaching assistant role also includes effective safeguarding, and health and safety of the children and also the learning environment all contributes to a happy place, that is a safe and healthy place to learn within. 1.2 Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards. There is a list of standards for school support staff depending on the role. The National Occupational Standards for Teaching Assistants offers guidance of competent performance. Some schools ask teaching assistants to complete the National Association of Professional Teaching Assistants. There are also local and national guidelines for codes of practice. 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided. Reflective practice is actually reflective learning and then putting this learning into future practice. It is essential to reflect over activities and other things that have happened and work out if they worked out well, or did not work out well. Why? And what can be improved. It is a continual thinking process to strive for improvements. It is important to self-assess and assess situations by reflecting on them and then putting ideas/plans forward to progress from that event. It is good to  be able to discuss thoughts and ideas with colleagues to then identify areas of strengths and those that need further development. Reflective practice includes reflecting on own role when supporting children learning. It also includes managing children’s behaviour and planning and assessing and also feedback. Reflective practice also includes working with colleagues and other adults and professional development. 2.3 Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice. If the teaching assistant is a religious person, then there may be personal conflict with been expected to take part or support learners in other religions activities. If the teaching assistant has no religion, then it is likely to be easi er to support learning activities and personally be rather passive about the belief part of the religion, and just concentrate on the knowledge part of the religion. Own beliefs, and values and experiences shape the way a person is and so facing and taking part in activities about other beliefs, values and experiences can enhance learning and understanding depending on how flexible in thought and attitude the individual actually is. A person who is less flexible in thought and attitude may find that the taking part in activities of other beliefs, values and experiences can be a very challenging experience. 3.1 Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against relevant standards. It is essential to reflect on learning activities that you have taken part in with the children and then compare with the national occupation of standards to see if you meet what is required. By working through and addressing areas of performance a person can begin to improve their practice. There are 69 units of the National Occupational Standards. These describe the skills and knowledge that teaching assistants need to do their job effectively. Teaching assistants and other support staff roles do not need to cover all 69, they just need to cover the ones which relate to their work environment. (see table attached regarding the relevant standards and my evaluation of own performance and understanding) 3.2 Explain how you would demonstrate use of feedback to evaluate own performance and inform development. Consider the feedback fully and then reflect on own performance to see if you can accommodate the feedback to make effective improvements to own performance to then be able to put this into further practice. Constructive feedback is best to work from and can aid professional development as well as additional training  opportunities. The assessment forms from tutor observed sessions in the workplace can highlight strengths and also areas that need some improvement. 4.1 Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development. Sources of support can come from other work colleagues, teaching assistants and teaching staff and also tutors if on further college courses. The planning and reviewing cycle is not unlike that of the planning and assessment cycle which a teaching assistant is part of in the working environment. There are also online materials and also books which can be used to aid learning in order to develop planning and reviewing abilities. The school system for employees would be to use formal and informal support and appraisal meetings with senior management. College staff for those on college courses can also be part of this support system. Inset/training days for staff are a way of gaining support for planning as information is pooled and new ideas and methods are put into operation. Da ta may be logged in a milestones format for reflection and further development. 4.2 Explain how you would demonstrate how to work with others to review and prioritise own learning needs, professional interests and development opportunities. The school appraisal system for employees is a way of assisting staff to consider their own professional performance on a frequent basis. This process needs to be a positive and non-threatening one to be at its most effective. A line manager may do this process for a general teaching assistant, whereas the schools SENCO is likely to do this for a teaching assistant with one to one supportive roles for a child or children with SEN. 4.3 Explain how you would demonstrate how to work with others to agree own personal development plan. A personal development plan is a plan to improve professional practice. The appraisal system and other formal and also informal feedback on a person’s professional development all contribute along with own reflective assessments of actual working experience. There will be opportunity for training in the working environment and also external training events which can be added into the personal development plan. The initial in employment training is the induction course for teaching assistants and also opportunities for other training to take place. These will cover areas such as behaviour management, SEN, and also supporting numeracy and literacy, and learning intervention schemes such as extra literacy and extra numeracy support training to be able to implement  these programmes effectively with children who need extra support. 5.1 Evaluate how learning activities have affected practice. Practice has been affected by learning activities with extended experience. Using the learning from these experiences it has helped to shape and develop abilities and new experiences have provided opportunity to try out and reflect upon. Observing and working with other colleagues have affected practice in offering ideas previously not thought of, to use and develop into own professional practice. All learning activities have provided opportunity for reflection and then personal development with copying and continuing good practice throughout. Just as the children learn from direct experience and from each other and build/scaffold on these experiences, teaching assistants also follow the same process. 5.2 Explain how reflective practice has led to improved ways of working. Reflective practice is the key to effective learning. Reflective learning is a powerful tool and can be gained from self-reflection and including feedback from others to reflect upon. It is personal assessment and this can be used to find out what went well and what needs working on. Work colleagues and training can also aid learning as we learn from each other. Observation of other more experienced staff such as other teaching assistants and the teachers can offer food for thought, and then the person can try out these newly observed methods observed to improve ways of working with learners across the school years. Reflection on good practice has led to personal development in this role by developing new ideas based on the good practice already experienced. 5.3 Show how to record progress in relation to personal development (see enclosed CV) It is a good idea to have an achievements file where all the qualifications and other awards and certificates are all placed into the file, in groups and date order. A detailed CV can also include the most essential qualifications as well as other personal information and employment and voluntary experienced logged in chronological order. I update my CV frequently and also adapt it per type of job role that I am applying for and update my achievements file and keep in in good order.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

No “More” Socialism: Debunking Raphael Hythlodaeus’ Argument Against Pr

George Orwell, in his famous essay, â€Å"Why Socialists Don’t Believe in Fun,† aptly described the problem of any Utopian ideal. â€Å"It would seem that human beings are not able to describe, nor perhaps to imagine, happiness except in terms of contrast†¦ Nearly all creators of Utopia have resembled the man who has (a) toothache, and therefore thinks happiness consists in not having a toothache. They wanted to produce a perfect society by an endless continuation of something that had only been valuable because it was temporary† (Orwell). In Thomas More’s Utopia, Raphael Hythloday is used as a conduit through which More expresses his distaste with private property. It is striking how true Orwell’s words can be applied to More’s Utopia. More’s criticism of private property is structurally fallible, and his description of an alternative is deeply implausible. Raphael is used to lay out the Utopian alternative economic and civic system, from the common-place â€Å"peasant subsistence economy† of More’s England through his description of the idealist island of Utopia (Overton 4). Raphael’s case against private property is built upon two principle supports; the perceived fallacies and failures in a peasant subsistence capitalistic economy, and how seemingly intuitive the socialistic alternatives of the island of Utopia are in solving the tribulations which so perplex the world’s peasantry. If we analyze Raphael’s argument, we find that it is grossly mis-calculated. The assumptions made in both the construction of Utopia and the deconstruction of England’s economic system are both contradictory and completely over-simplified. With our advantage of economic and historical hindsight we can see that Raphael lays blame without knowledge, and we can se... ... A. Von. Collectivist Economic Planning. London: [s.n.], 1950. Print. Hunt, E. K. History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2002. Print. Marx, Karl, Friedrich Engels, David McLellan, and Samuel Moore. The Communist Manifesto. Oxford [u.a.: Oxford UP, 1998. Print. Mill, John Stuart, and W. J. Ashley. Principles of Political Economy, with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy. New York: A. M. Kelley, eller, 1965. Print. More, Thomas, and George M. Logan. Utopia: A Revised Translation, Backgrounds, Criticism. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2011. Print. Orwell, George. The Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters of George Orwell. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1968. Print. Overton, Mark. Agricultural Revolution in England: The Transformation of the Agrarian Economy, 1500-1850. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. Print.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Hamlet Complex Decision

Professor Maureen Edison World Literature 1 Asmaa Abdelaal Essay 1 Hamlet Complex Decision Abdelaal 1 Hamlet Complex Decision â€Å"To be, or not to be, that is the question† (Hamlet, 2446). To live or to die? Do I take avenge or not? To leave Denmark polluted or not? Hamlet a young prince of Denmark faces the truth of the former King. Hamlets father death was an actual murder. In addition the Queen Hamlets mother marries Hamlets Uncle, Claudius and former Kings brother. Hamlets throughout the play faced a complex decision either to live as if his father was not murdered or to kill who murdered his father.Hamlet father is King Hamlet and his mother Queen Gertrude. Hamlet full of hate for his Uncle and disgust of his mothering marrying him. â€Å"Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not seems. Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black, Nor windy suspiration of forced breath, No, nor the fruitful river in the eye, Nor the dejected’ havior of the visage, Together with all forms, moods , shapes of grief, That can denote me truly. These indeed â€Å"seem,† For they are actions that a man might play. But I have that within which passeth show, These but the trapping and the suits of woe. (Hamlet, 2417) Abdelaal 2 Hamlets black cloths is his weeping and â€Å"seem† fake grief. Fake grief is sadness the cloths is just a hint of it. Hamlets father ghost appears and claims to have been murdered by Claudius. Hamlet obsessed with avenging his father death but keeps thinking of reasons why he should wait before killing Claudius. Gertrude knows how Hamlet feels cares more about how she sees herself. The new King of Denmark Claudius, Hamlet Uncle. Claudius is calculating is power. Claudius doesn’t know until later on that Hamlet has found the truth about his father death. Polonius is father of Laertes and Ophelia.Polonius throughout the play tries to figure what Hamlet up to. Horatio is a close friend to Hamle t which they both studied at the same University of Wittenberg. Hamlet trusts Horatio because he is loyal and helpful. Horatio such a good friend he comes to the funeral/ wedding to stand by Hamlets side. â€Å"O God, beast that wants discourse of reason Would have mourned long! – married with my uncle, My father brother but no more like my father Than I to Hercules. Within a month, Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears Had left the flushing in her galled eyes, She married. O most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!It is not nor it cannot come to good, But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue. † (Hamlet, 2420) Abdelaal 3 This is what Hamlet sees happening his mother marrying his father brother in less than of a month of his father death even before tears come down on his mother cheeks had dried she was too quick to move on. Ophelia is Polonius daughter a beautiful girl who Hamlet in love with. In the play Ophelia obeys her father and her brother Laertes allowing Polonies to use her to spy on Hamlet. Later on her father will die. Laertes is Polonius son and Ophelia brother. Laertes is thoughtful of Hamlet.Polonius thinks a man on fire not Hamlet who heart on fire which gives more light than heat and fire will be out before his promises are done. He thinks Ophelia mistaking love and wants her to spend less time with him. He tells her to remember him young that he knows how to fool around you and to not bileve his nice cloths and order her to do as he says. Ophelia obeys the order. â€Å"Ay, springs to catch woodcocks. I do know, When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul Lends the tongue vows. These blazes, daughter, Giving more light than heat, extinct in both Even in their promise as it is a making, You must not take for fire.From this time Be somewhat scanter of your maiden presence. Set your entremets at higher rate Than a command to parley. For lord Hamlet, Bileve so much in him that he is young, And wi th a larger tether may he walk Than may be given you. In few, Ophelia, Do not believe his vows, for they are brokers Not of that dye which their investments show, But mere imploratory of unholy suits, Breathing like sanctified and opioids bawds, The better to beguile. This is for all I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth, Have you so slander any moment leisure, Alto give words or talk with Lord Hamlet, Look to ‘t’ I charge you.Come your ways† ( Polonius, 2422) Fortinbras is young prince of Norway the King of Fortinbras which was killed by Hamlets father. Now out of revenge Fortinbras wishes to attack Denmark to avenge his father honor. Gotland and Cornelius are courtiers who Claudius sends to Norway to stop Fortinbras from attacking Denmark. Hamlets father who wants his son Hamlet to take avenge to what happened to him. Hamlet at first when hears from Marcellus and Barnardo about a ghost who they suspect might be his father thinks that the ghost is a d evil sent to deceive him where the ghost comes from in the play is never said.Marcellus is the first officer see too she the ghost with Hamlets. â€Å"Two nights together had these gentlemen, Marcellus and Barnardo, on their watch, In the dead waste and middle of the night, Been thus Abdelaal 5 encountered: a figure like your father, Armed at point exactly, cap_a-pie, Appears before them and with soleman march Goes slow and stale by them. Thrice he walked By the oppressed and fear surprised eyes Within his truncheons length, whilst they, distilled Almost to jelly with the act of fear, Stand dumb and speak not to him.This to miens dreadful secrecy impact they did, And I wait them the third night kept the watch, Where as they had delivered, both in time, Form of the thing, each word made true and good The apparition comes. I knew your father, The hands are not more like. † ( Horatio, 2418) After midnight for two nights the officers think that the figure they keeping seeing is H amlet father. The guard were scared yet amazed at the same time on the third night it happened again and that when they told Hamlet. â€Å"So have I heard and doing part bileve it. But look the Oren in russets mantle clad.Walked o’er the dew of yon high eastward hill. Break we our watch quip, and by my advice. Let us impact what we have seen tonight. Unto young Hamlet: for upon my Abdelaal 6 life, this spirit dumb to us, will speak to him. Do you concept we shall acquaint him with it.. As needful of our loves, rotting our duty? †( Horatio, 2419). Horatio, fellow student, and best friend of Hamlets tell him he has seen his father ghost, he would not say word until he speaks to Hamlets. Hamlet accepting to see the ghost was a decision he made. Later it will change his image towards his mother and Claudius.After, Horatio tells Prince Hamlet, the ghost won’t speak only to Hamlet. The ghost tells Hamlet to take avenge. â€Å"I am thy father spout doomed for certain term to walk the night, And for the day confined to fasting fires, Till the foul crimes doe in my days of nature, Are burnt and purged away. But that I am forbid to tell the secret of my prison house† (Ghost, 2430). The ghost is very angry and wants avenge. † Avenge his foul and takes him he was murder but hissed by his uncle Claudius. † O, my prophetic soul! U my uncle â€Å"(Hamlet, 2429). With that said, he had to make an important decision whether to bileve the ghost or not.This decision means allot to him because he is supposed to be next in the throne not his Uncle. In addition, the Queen the wife of the former King, marries the brother Claudius, who is the King of Denmark. Abdelaal 7 â€Å"Thought yet of Hamlets, our dear brother death. The memory is green, and that it is us befitted. To bear us hearts in grief and our whole kingdom. To be contracted in on brow of woe, Teat so far hath discretion fought with nature. That we with wise sorrow think of him, T ogether with remembrance ourselves, therefore our sometime, sister now our queen† (King, 2417). The King. He hath not failed to pester us with the message, importing the surrender of those lands, lost by his father with all bonds of law† (King, 2417). Hamlet is not happy, but he can’t disobey the Queen nor the King. Claudius gives a negative, ignorant sneaky, impression to rule Denmark. Hamlet can’t adapt to the new life in Denmark, under his Uncle, the Kings throne. Before Hamlet made any decisions he had to think through what the ghost said to him that night. â€Å"I am thy fathers spirit, Doomed for certain term to walk the night And for the day confined to fast in fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature Are burnt and purged away.But that I am forbid To tell the secrets of my prison Abdelaal 8 house, I could a tale in fold whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, Make I fin three apt, And duller shrouds thou be than the fat weed That roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf, Wouldst thou not stir in this. Now, Hamlet, hear. Tis given ot that, sleeping in my orchard, A serpent stung me. So the whole ear f of Denmark is by a forged process of my death rankly abused. But know, thou noble youth. The serpent that did sting thy atheist life Now’s wears his crown. † (Ghost, 2429) In rder to find out the real truth Hamlet decides to put a play on the hires actors tor reveal the truth. â€Å"And cleave the general ear with hurried speech, Make mad the guilty and appall the free, confounded the ignorant, and amaze indeed† (Hamlet. 2430). The ghost is his father and his father tells him he did not die by a poisonous snake that was lie that everyone in Denmark was fooled by. He tells him the real snake is the person so is wearing the crown. Hamlet would be able to see the real side of his Uncle. The reaction of the King of Denmark will show him if he really killed his father or not.Ham let quick makes decision of Abdelaal 9 whether to take avenge or not. Rosencrantz and Horatio helped Hamlets put the play on. â€Å"Even those you want to take such delight in the tragedians of the city† (Rosencrantz, 2439. ) Suspiciously, the King of Denmark ends up knowing that Hamlets found out the truth Claudius his Uncle has been hiding, and tried to kill him. â€Å"Get from him why he puts on this confusion grating so harshly all his quiet with turbulent and dangerously lunacy? †(King, 2450). The King wants to get back at Hamlets so he tells Polonies about Ophelia and Hamlet. I do repent, but heaven hath please it so, to punish me with this, and I will answer well, the death I gave him, so again, good, I must be cruel only to be kind†( Hamlet. 2450). Hamlets avoided Ophelia because he loves her and he is seeking for avenge towards his Uncle. Killing his Uncle meant allot to him, because he saw everyone around him mad, and angrily felt that was the right thi ng to do, because he is paying death with respect. The king tells Laertes which is Polonies Laertes father, that Hamlet killed his father. â€Å"Not that I think you did not love your father.But that I know love is begun by time† (King, 2477). Now Laertes wants to take avenge for his father. † I‘ll not be jangled with to hell allegiance! Vows to the blackest devil conscience and grace to the profoundest pit! I am damation. To this point I stand, that both the worlds I give to Abdelaal 10 negligence, let come what comes only. I’ll be avenged most thoroughly for my father† (Laertes, 2478). The king brings Hamlets to Laertes so they can fight Hamlets ends up getting wounded, and Laertes end getting wounded and dies. The ling wanted to poison Hamlet; instead the Queen drinks the poison. No, no the drink-O my dear Hamlet- The dink, the drink I am poisoned† (Queen, 2497). Hamlet angrily makes the King drink the poison. † Forcing the King to drin k, here. Thou, incestuous, murderous, dammed Dane, Drink off this potion. Is thy union here? Follow my mother? †(Hamlet, 2498). Hamlet was so mad at his Uncle’s ignorance. Hamlet looks around everyone is dead so he kills himself. â€Å"O, I die, Horatio, the potent poison quite o’er cows y spirit, I cannot live to hear the news from England, But I do prophesy th’ election lights, on Fortinbras. He has my dying voice so tell him. with, with the occurrences, more and less, which have solicited the rest is silence† (Hamlet, 24997). When Hamlet killed his Uncle, it wasn’t more of decision; his manger towards the loved one dying caused him to make his Uncle feel the same way. However his decision impacted Denmark in good way, because it would no longer be controlled by a bad King. Hamlet was looking at bigger picture. He sacrificed his teenage life for Denmark people to be in good hands. Abdelaal 11 â€Å"Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them?To die, to sleep No more and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished! To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream ay, there the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled of this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There the respect That makes calamity of so long life. † (Hamlet, 2439) Nasty things that luck throws your way to fight against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and for all? It sleeps and maybe dreams but worries about life.This is how Hamlet felt before making the decision he made is mind about. Overall, everyone dies. Should have he done something before this tragedy happened? Hamlet was constantly going back in forth. At the end he made a decision by taking avenge for his father and killing himself so h e doesn’t face the new of England and not live the rest of his life miserable and feeling guilty. â€Å"Of that I shall have also cause to speak, And from his mouth whose voice will draw on more, But Abdelaal 12 let this same be presently performed, Even while men’s minds are wild, lest more enhance , on plots and errors happen†( Horatio, 2488).The actions the King states become pouted. Hamlet had to put his life on the line for Denmark to punish Claudius. As a young boy Hamlet, was a normal person went to school lived his life, and matured up when he put his life on the line for his country, which ended up in an outrageous ending. Abdelaal 13 Works Citied Crowther, John, ed. â€Å"No Fear Hamlet. † SparkNotes LLC. 2005. http://nfs. sparknotes. com/hamlet/ (accessed June 8, 2012). Shakesphere, Wiiiam. â€Å"Hamlet. † Hamlet. 8th ed. Vol. 1. United States: Matnard Mark, 1984. 2406-500. Print.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Learn About the Munich Olympic Massacre

The Munich Massacre was a terrorist attack during the 1972 Olympic Games. Eight Palestinian terrorists killed two members of Israeli Olympic team and then took nine others hostage. The situation was ended by a huge gunfight that left five of the terrorists and all of the nine hostages dead. Following the massacre, the Israeli government organized a retaliation against Black September, called Operation Wrath of God. Dates:  September 5, 1972 Also Known As:  1972 Olympics Massacre Stressful Olympics The XXth Olympic Games were held in Munich, Germany in 1972. Tensions were high at these Olympics because they were the first Olympic Games held in Germany since the Nazis hosted the Games in 1936. The Israeli athletes and their trainers were especially nervous; many had family members who had been murdered during the Holocaust or were themselves Holocaust survivors. The Attack The first few days of the Olympic Games went smoothly. On September 4, the Israeli team spent the evening out to see the play, Fiddler on the Roof, and then went back to the Olympic Village to sleep. A little after 4 a.m. on September 5, as the Israeli athletes slept, eight members of the Palestinian terrorist organization, Black September, jumped over the six-foot-high fence that encircled the Olympic Village. The terrorists headed straight for 31 Connollystrasse, the building where the Israeli contingent was staying. Around 4:30 a.m., the terrorists entered the building. They rounded up the occupants of apartment 1 and then apartment 3. Several of the Israelis fought back; two of them were killed. A couple of others were able to escape out windows. Nine were taken hostage. Standoff at the Apartment Building By 5:10 a.m., the police had been alerted and news of the attack had begun to spread around the world. The terrorists then dropped a list of their demands out the window; they wanted 234 prisoners released from Israeli prisons and two from German prisons by 9 a.m. Negotiators were able to extend the deadline to noon, then 1 p.m., then 3 p.m., then 5 p.m.; however, the terrorists refused to back down on their demands and Israel refused to release the prisoners. A confrontation became inevitable. At 5 p.m., the terrorists realized that their demands were not going to be met. They asked for two planes to fly both the terrorists and the hostages to Cairo, Egypt, hoping a new locale would help get their demands met. The German officials agreed but realized that they could not let the terrorists leave Germany. Desperate to end the standoff, the Germans organized Operation Sunshine, which was a plan to storm the apartment building. The terrorists discovered the plan by watching television. The Germans then planned to attack the terrorists on their way to the airport, but again the terrorists found out their plans. Massacre at the Airport Around 10:30 p.m., the terrorists and hostages were transported to the Fà ¼rstenfeldbruck airport by helicopter. The Germans had decided to confront the terrorists at the airport and had snipers waiting for them. Once on the ground, the terrorists realized there was a trap. Snipers started shooting at them and they shot back. Two terrorists and one policeman were killed. Then a stalemate developed. The Germans requested armored cars and waited for over an hour for them to arrive. When the armored cars arrived, the terrorists knew the end had come. One of the terrorists jumped into a helicopter and shot four of the hostages, then threw in a grenade.  Another terrorist hopped into the other helicopter and used his machine gun to kill the remaining five hostages. The snipers and armored cars killed three more terrorists in this second round of gunfire. Three terrorists survived the attack and were taken into custody. Less than two months later, the three remaining terrorists were released by the German government after two other Black September members hijacked a plane and threatened to blow it up unless the three were released.